Water is present here, there, in you and me, it's everywhere , let's take care of it...

What is it? 

Water is the liquid that makes life on Earth possible. As water cycles from the air to the land to the sea and back again, water shapes our planet — and nearly every aspect of our lives.

Importance of water...   

Water has been one of the most important elements in the planet, it's used for almost everything, in the past it has been used for planting and farming as one of their main activities.


Industries have used water to manufacture a massive amount of products, this has left an important impact in the environment and nature; in the past there were a a lot of water corpuses, now a days that number has been reduced.

Water's been used in so many areas that is almost impossible not to mention one, water has formed part of the diet of multiple species including us, the humans.

This valuable resource has been present since the beginning of times and in the actuality needs help to recover from all the damage the human has caused.

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